Thursday 4 April 2013


ABSTRACT: In today’s developing world the need for energy is growing exponentially on the other hand it’s environmental effects are attracting our attention. Researchers believe that increasing levels of greenhouse gas emissions are changing the climate around the globe. Fulfilling the growing energy needs and solving environmental problems at present would be a big investment for our future. Although renewable energy sources can provide superior environmental performance but for long term, incremental investments in a new domestic energy source infrastructure is necessary for the next century. Trend in energy use from the past indicates a slow transition from fuels with high carbon content, starting from wood to fuels with more hydrogen. Hydrogen is the most suitable fuel for fuel cells because of excellent electrochemical reactivity as well as zero emission characteristics. Fuel cells were used in the past in the space program to provide electricity and drinking water for the astronauts.  In future, the combination of high efficiency fuel cells and fuels from renewable energy sources would nearly eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. The early transition to lower carbon based fuels will begin to create cleaner air and will satisfy the growing energy needs. In this paper analysis of developing Fuel cell Technology is carried out and is presented for different applications.

Keywords: Clean fuels, Fuel Cell, Power Generation, Renewable Energy.

World is witnessing a worsening global warming situation as generation is continuously being increased throughout the world using fossil fuels. Higher energy generation through fossil fuel imparts environmental degradation and is now a matter of concern globally. The balance of evidence suggests that there is a discernible human influence on global climate. This calls for optimization of generation of energy through well-known sources and also for conservation in the utilization front as short term measure. The long-term measure really calls for search of new sources, preferably renewable energy for commercial exploitation.  In comparison to other renewable sources fuel cells have a distinct advantage that it can produce continuous power as long as they are supplied with a constant supply of hydrogen (Appleby and Foulkes, 1989; Fuel Cell Handbook, 2000; USDOE, 1998). This ability to deliver uninterruptible electrical energy makes fuel cells well suited for various applications such as for security application. However, the use of fuel cell is limited due to high cost of manufacturing of it’s components. Now due to better technology and bulk requirements fuel cells are finally coming into the market (Wayne, 2001).

In principle, a fuel cell operates like a battery but it does not run out or require recharging. It will produce energy in the form of electricity and heat as long as fuel is supplied. A fuel cell consists of two electrodes sandwiched around an electrolyte. Oxygen passes over one electrode and hydrogen over the other, generating electricity, water and heat. Hydrogen fuel is fed into the anode of the fuel cell. Air (or oxygen) enters the fuel cell through the cathode. Encouraged by the catalyst hydrogen atom splits into proton and electron, which takes different paths towards the cathode. The proton passes through the electrolyte. The electrons create a separate current that can be utilized before they return to the cathode, to be reunited with the hydrogen and oxygen in a molecule of water. A fuel cell system which includes a “fuel reformer” can utilize the hydrogen from any hydrocarbon fuel like from natural gas to methanol, and even gasoline. Since the fuel cell relies on chemistry and not on combustion, emissions from this type of a system would still be much smaller than emissions from the cleanest fuel combustion processes available (Gerlach , 2002; Twidel,1986).

A fuel cell is an electrochemical device used to generate electricity. The fuel cell stack is just one component of the overall fuel cell system. The system has three basic sub-systems: the fuel processor, the fuel cell stack, and the power conditioner. “Balance of plant” components include pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, motors, controllers and batteries. In many cases, standard “off-the-shelf” components are just not suitable for use in a fuel cell system, and specialized components must be designed and manufactured. The fuel cell stack utilizes a hydrogen rich gas stream, and there are several approaches to supplying the hydrogen on-board the vehicle. Hydrogen can be stored as a cryogenic liquid at -423ºF, held as a gas in pressurized tanks, or contained with metal or chemical hydrides (which employ chemical reactions to store and release hydrogen). Or, the hydrogen can be extracted or “reformed” from liquid fuels such as gasoline, synthetic hydrocarbon fuels, methanol and ethanol, that act as hydrogen carriers. Fuel cells are direct current (DC) power generators. In some fuel cell vehicle applications the fuel cell’s DC power is converted to alternating current (AC) to run AC induction motors, requiring the use of AC motor controllers (Bose, 2000). In other cases, DC motors are used, governed by DC motor control systems. Much of the of work and resources committed to the development of battery electric vehicle drive trains in recent decades is being applied to fuel cell vehicle applications.

Fuel cells have a distinct advantage over other clean generators such as wind turbines and Photovoltaic that it can produce continuous power as long as it is supplied with a constant supply of hydrogen (Tyagi, 2005; Ellis, 2001). This ability to produce continuous power makes fuel cells well suited for supporting critical loads for security applications. The power output of fuel cells is also of high quality in that it is clean and provides computer grade power free from voltage disturbances such as sags, spikes or transients. Distributed power is a new approach utility companies are beginning to implement by locating small, energy-saving power generators closer to where the need is. Because fuel cells are modular in design and highly efficient, these small units can be placed on-site (Tyagi, 2005). Installation is less of a financial risk for utility planners and modules can be added as demand increases. Utility systems are currently being designed to use regenerative fuel cell technology and renewable sources of electricity. 

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