Monday 2 September 2013

Design of DC power supply by diode capacitor bridge

This diode capacitor bridge is widely used for power supplies intended to function over extreme input voltage ranges. In this circuit there are only three valid configurations. When the voltage is first applied diode D1 quickly becomes ON. Assume that the initial capacitor voltages are zero. Since the capacitor voltage is initially zero diode D1 and C2 conducts and supply current to the load. Also the current flows through C1 as when D1 is ON Vin is identical to Vc1. Since the RC time constant is very slow compared to the sinusoidal changes in input supply C2 will not charge up much. As long as D1 is ON Vc1 must track Vin. This configuration will remain valid shortly after Vin has peaked.  Simulation of this configuration is carried out in MATLAB and the output load voltage and capacitors current as observed are shown in the figure. 

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