Saturday 23 November 2013

Matlab program to design a 30 HP,440 V, 50 Hz, Delta connected Induction Motor

This post will teach you how to ulitize Matlab in Induction Motor design, this is real time engineering application example: Problem statement: Design a 30HP, 3 phase, 440V, 900 r.p.m, 50Hz, delta connected squirrel cage induction motor. Assume specific electric loading 25000, specific magnetic loading .46 Wb full load effeciency 85% power factor = .9 calculate the following i) Stator core dimension D and L ii) Number of stator slots and winding turns Matlab program: %Matlab program to design squirrel cage induction motor clc; clear all; Po = 30*.746; %kw Vin = 440; N = 900; Ns = N/60; f = 50; Bav = .46; pf = 0.9; eff = 0.85; ac = 25000; Kws = .955; phase = 3; %rating in kVA Q = Po/(eff*pf); Kw = .9; fprintf('\nProgram to design squirrel cage induction motor'); fprintf('\n_______________________'); Co = 1.11*pi*pi*Bav*ac*Kw*(10^-3); %number of poles pole = (2*f)/Ns; %Q = Co*Ns*D2L disp('Input power or rating power = '); disp(Q); D2L = Q/(Co*Ns); %for good overall design %L/tow = 1 %L*pole/pi*D D3 = (Q*pole)/(Co*Ns*pi); D = D3^(1/3); disp('Hence Diameter D = '); disp(D); disp('Hence Length L = '); L = pi*D/(pole); disp(L); %peripheral speed Va Va = pi*D*Ns; disp('Peripheral speed = '); disp(Va); if(Va<30) fprintf('\nAs Peripheral speed is less than 30m/secs so dimensions are permissable'); else fprintf('\nAs Peripheral speed is not less than 30m/sec the dimensions are not mpermissabel. But still the dimensions will be'); end phim = Bav*pi*D*L/pole; fprintf('\nFlux density phim = '); disp(phim); %number of stator turns Ts Ts = Vin/(4.44*f*phim*Kws); fprintf('\nNumber of stator turns Ts = '); disp(round(Ts)); %total number of stator slot per phase per pole Ss Ss = 3*pole*phase; fprintf('\nTotal number of stator slot per phase per pole Ss'); disp(Ss); fprintf('\nSlot pitch Yss = '); Yss = pi*D/Ss; disp(Yss); Zss = 6*round(Ts); fprintf('\nTotal Coonductors Zss = '); disp(Zss); fprintf('\nNumber of Slots = '); noofslots = Zss/Ss; disp(noofslots); fprintf('\n——————'); fprintf('\nCreated By A K Tyagi'); Program Output: Program to design squirrel cage induction motor _______________________Input power or rating power = 29.2549 Hence Diameter D = 0.3317 Hence Length L = 0.1563 Peripheral speed = 15.6318 As Peripheral speed is less than 30m/secs so dimensions are permissable Flux density phim = 0.0112 Number of stator turns Ts = 185 Total number of stator slot per phase per pole Ss 60 Slot pitch Yss = 0.0174 Total Coonductors Zss = 1110 Number of Slots = 18.5000 —————— Created By A K Tyagi>>

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