Friday 7 March 2014

Release Notes for SimPowerSystems - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks India

Release Notes for SimPowerSystems - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks India


New Features, Bug Fixes, Compatibility Considerations

New names for SimPowerSystems technologies

SimPowerSystems™ Version 6.1 introduces new names for the SimPowerSystems Second and Third Generation technologies. SimPowerSystems Simscape™ Components is the new name for the Third Generation technology. SimPowerSystems Specialized Technology is the new name for the Second Generation technology.
    Note:   The terms Simscape Components and Specialized Technology refer to the SimPowerSystems technology used. A SimPowerSystems version can contain one or both technologies.

Simscape Components

Time-Based Fault and Enabled Fault blocks

The Time-Based Fault block and the Enabled Fault block model any permutation of a single-phase, two-phase, or three-phase grounded or ungrounded fault. You specify the fault permutation and the values for resistance and conductance.
The Time-Based Fault block is activated and deactivated during simulation according to time-based parameters that you specify. The Enabled Fault block is activated when the input signal exceeds a threshold value that you specify. It is deactivated when the signal is equal to or less than the threshold value.

Saturation option for Synchronous Machine models

These blocks have a new Saturation tab, which contains the Magnetic saturation representation parameter. When you specify the field current and air-gap voltage per-unit saturation data, the block generates a per-unit air-gap voltage versus field current open-circuit lookup table. The block then uses the lookup table data to calculate a saturation factor.

Harmonic analysis functions

There are three new functions for performing harmonic analysis:
The pe_getHarmonics function returns the harmonic orders, magnitude, and fundamental frequency when you input a Simscape logging node variable.
To run the pe_getHarmonics function, at the MATLAB® command prompt, type:
pe_getHarmonics( logging_node )
where logging_node is the Simscape logging node variable.
The pe_calculateThdPercent function returns the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) percentage when you use the harmonic order and the harmonic magnitude as input arguments.
To run the pe_calculateThdPercent function, at the MATLAB command prompt, type:
pe_calculateThdPercent( harmonicOrderharmonicMagnitude )
  • harmonicOrder is a vector of harmonic orders.
  • harmonicMagnitude is a vector of harmonic magnitudes.
The pe_plotHarmonics function plots the harmonic data when you input a Simscape logging node variable.
To run the pe_plotHarmonics function, at the MATLAB command prompt, type:
pe_plotHarmonics( logging_node )
where logging_node is the Simscape logging node variable.
The Harmonic Analysis of a Three-Phase Rectifier example shows you how to use the three functions.

Primary and secondary winding blocks with new variables tab 

The Primary Winding and Secondary Winding blocks now contain a Variables tab, which allows you to specify target value and priority for a new initialization process.
For more information see the Simscape Release Notes item, Variables tab for specifying target value and priority for new initialization process

Compatibility Considerations 

In previous releases, the Primary Winding and Secondary Winding blocks contained parameters that let you specify an initial value for some internal block variables at the start of simulation. These parameters have now been removed. The following table lists the initialization parameters that have been removed from block dialogs and the names of the corresponding block variables:
Block NameParameter NameVariable Name
Leakage inductance initial current
Magnetization inductance initial current
Initial magnetic flux
Leakage inductance current
Magnetization inductance current
Magnetic flux
Leakage inductance initial current
Initial magnetic flux
Leakage inductance current
Magnetic flux
Legacy models using these blocks are affected by this change. If a block used the initialization parameter, then, once you open the model in the current release, this parameter value is no longer visible and is not automatically mapped to the corresponding variable value. The simulation results will only stay the same if you set the target value of the variable to be that of the original parameter and set the parameter priority to High.

Specialized Technology

Aircraft fuel cell hybrid emergency power system example

The Energy Management Systems for a Hybrid Electric Source (Application for a More Electric Aircraft) example illustrates a simulation model of a fuel-cell-based emergency power system for More Electric Aircraft (MEA). In MEA, as the landing-gear and flight-control systems become more electrically driven, the peak electrical load seen by the emergency power system increases. This increased load puts conventional ram air turbine (RAT) and air-driven generator (ADG) emergency power systems, which exhibit near-zero power production at lower speeds, at risk for overloading. This example presents an alternative emergency power system based on fuel cells, lithium-ion batteries, and supercapacitors that is more capable of handling the increased electrical load.

Text labels for Machine Block Bus output signals

In previous releases, you could only use alphanumeric signal names to identify bus labels on these SimPowerSystems machine blocks:
  • Asynchronous Machine SI Units
  • Asynchronous Machine pu Units
  • DC Machine
  • Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
  • Simplified Synchronous Machine SI Units
  • Simplified Synchronous Machine pu Units
  • Single Phase Asynchronous Machine
  • Synchronous Machine SI Fundamental
  • Synchronous Machine pu Fundamental
  • Synchronous Machine pu Standard
Machine blocks now have a Measurement output parameter that gives you the option to identify bus labels with alphanumeric signal names that are compatible with model referencing. To enable the option to convert bus signal names to valid signal names, on the machine block Configuration tab, under Measurement output, select the Use signal names to identify bus labels check box.
The Use signal names to identify bus labels check box is cleared by default.

Three-phase 3-Level Inverter with direct specification of diode and IGBT characteristics

In previous versions, the Loss Calculation in a Three-Phase 3-Level Inverter example allowed you to choose between three different pre-specified commercial (ABB® or Fuji) components for the IGBT Type and Diode Typeparameters in the Half-bridge IGBT with Loss Calculation block dialog box. To use a value other than the prespecified commercial values, you entered your own IGBT and diode specifications via MATLAB MAT-files.
In the current version, you can enter your preferred IGBT and diode values directly to the Half-bridge IGBT with Loss Calculation block dialog box in the new IGBT and Diode tabs. You can click the Save button on either tab to save the values to MAT-files for future use. The tabs also contain a Plot Characteristics button that you can use to plot your IGBT or diode values.
The prespecified commercial (ABB or Fuji) component specifications are still available as MAT-files that you can upload by clicking the Load button on the IGBT or Diode tab.

Improved breaker block set interfaces

The dialog boxes for the breaker blocks in the Elements library have been standardized:

power_cableparam function documentation enhancement

The power_cableparam function reference page has been expanded to include a formula for calculating 

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