Monday 11 August 2014

Design of Solar Wind hybrid grid connected power system Project

Both Solar & Wind power are used in remote areas for charging a battery and delivery of grid quality electricity through large capacity sine wave inverters. In areas where wind speeds are above 5.4 m/s, our 1 Kw wind turbine will deliver more than 5Kwh of energy everyday as against maximum 4 Kwh delivered by 1 Kw solar panel. Our 3.2 KW Whisper 500 wind turbine delivers 16 KWH of energy per day at 5.4 m/s annual wind speed average. When the wind speed is above 6.3 m/s average, our 1 Kw wind turbine delivers 8 Kwh of energy/day. Wind turbines are less expensive than solar panels of the same capacity. Therefore, in places where wind speeds are above 5 m/s it is advisable to use a combination of wind and solar power for optimum investment & maximum output. It is also to be noted that wind power and solar power complement each other. During monsoon months solar power generation is reduced to a large extent due to cloudy skies, during the same period, the wind speeds are much higher than rest of the year. During monsoon, wind turbines generate extra power to compensate for the loss of solar power.

1 comment:

  1. It's Finally Here! The Solar Panel "Killer" Is On The Market

    There's a new product out in the open that everyone

    is raving about. It's called The Ultimate Energizer Guide.

    Since it made such a hype when it was launched,

    I figured I would give it a shot.

    When I First Saw THIS Information, It Completely Blew Me Away.

    It's funny how most freedom-energy guides promise

    you energy independence, but in reality you

    get stuck with some akward blueprints and you

    don't know what to do with them.

    It is not the case with this one. It's the first product

    that can bring the demise of the solar panel.

    This Video… will show exactly how to claim

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    information before they pull it down!

    Click This Link Now To Get This Info <==
