Wednesday 28 August 2013

Matlab code for switch case function: Conversion of units of length

% Matlab program to demonstrate switch case function

x = 3.0;               % numeric variable for length
units = 'cm';         % string variable for unit
switch     units
    case    {'in','inch'}      % case 1 if unit is inch
           y = 2.54*x;        % converts to centimeters
          disp  ([num2str(x)  '   ' units ' converted to cm is :' num2str(y)])
            %  disp is used to print pretty in the command window
            %  in the above a string vector is being printed
     case   {'m','meter'}    % case 2 unit is meter
           y = x*100;        % converts to centimeters
           disp  ([num2str(x)  '   ' units ' converted to cm is :' num2str(y)])
     case   { 'millimeter','mm'} % case 3 unit is millimeter
           y = x/10;
          disp  ([num2str(x)  '   ' units ' converted to cm is :' num2str(y)])
    case {'cm','centimeter'}     % case 4 unit is centimeter
          y = x;
          disp  ([num2str(x)  '   ' units ' converted to cm is :' num2str(y)])
    otherwise                    % for all other cases
         disp    (['unknown units:' units])
         y = nan;  % not a number

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