Sunday 4 August 2013

Matlab code for three phase voltage source including all labels and legends

% Program to develop user defined Three Phase voltage source
clear all;

Vm = input('Enter Peak Magnitude Required in volts: ');
f = input('Enter Supply frequency in Hz: ');
w = 2 * pi * f; % Angular frequency in rad/sec
time = input('Enter time in sec upto which output is required: ');
t = 0:10e-6:time;
First_phase = Vm * sin(w * t);
Second_phase = Vm * sin(w * t + 120);
Third_phase = Vm * sin(w * t - 120);
axis([0 time -Vm Vm])
title('\bfFirst Phase Voltage');
xlabel('\bfTime in sec');
ylabel('\bfAmplitude in volts');
legend('R-Phase 1')
axis([0 time -Vm Vm])
xlabel('\bfTime in sec');
ylabel('\bfAmplitude in volts');
title('\bfSecond Phase voltage');
legend('Y-Phase 2')
axis([0 time -Vm Vm])
xlabel('\bfTime in sec');
ylabel('\bfAmplitude in volts');
title('\bfThird Phase Voltage ');
legend('B-Phase 3')

%Enter Peak Magnitude Required in volts: 340
%Enter Supply frequency in Hz: 50
%Enter time in sec upto which output is required: 0.06

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of the program %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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