Sunday 20 October 2013

Response of RL and RC circuits plot

% To plot response of RL and RC circuits % R = 10, L = 20e-3 H for RL circuit V = 100; % Volts R = 10; % Ohms L = 20e-3; % Henry Im = V/R; to = L/R; t = 0:10e-6:0.02; i = Im*(1-exp(-t/to)); figure(1) plot(t,i) title('Response of R-L circuit') xlabel('T (sec)'), ylabel('i(t)') % R = 100, C = 20e-6 F for RC circuit R = 100; C = 200e-4; Vm = V; to = 1/(R*C) t = 0:10e-6:6; v = Vm*(1-exp(-t/to)); figure(2) plot(t,v) title('Response of R-C circuit') xlabel('T (sec)'), ylabel('v(t)')

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