Sunday 20 October 2013

Series and parallel resonance response

% This program plot a graph of frequency vs impedance in case of series % resonance clc; clear all; f = 100:1:400; L = 6.34e-3; C = 100e-6; R = 100; XL = 2*pi*f*L; XC = 1./(2*pi*f*C); Z = (R^2 + (XL - XC).^2).^0.5; figure(1) plot(f,Z) title('\bf Impedance vs frequency plot for series resonance'); xlabel('\bf Supply frequency in Hz'); ylabel('\bf Impedance in Ohms'); Z = 1./(1./XL+1./XC); figure(2) plot(f,Z) title('\bf Impedance vs frequency plot for parallel resonance'); xlabel('\bf Supply frequency in Hz'); ylabel('\bf Impedance in Ohms');

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