Before there were brushless DC motors there were brush DC motors, which were brought on in part to replace the less efficient AC induction motors that came before. The brush DC motor was invented all the way back in 1856 by famed German inventor and industrialist Ernst Werner von Siemens. Von Siemens is so famous that the international standard unit of electrical conductance is named after him. Von Siemens studied electrical engineering after leaving the army and produced many contributions to the world of electrical engineering, including the first electric elevator in 1880. Von Siemens’s brush DC motor was fairly rudimentary and was improved upon by Harry Ward Leonard, who nearly perfected the first effective motor control system near the end of the 19th century. This system used a rheostat to control the current in the field winding, which resulted in adjusting the output voltage of the DC generator, which in turn adjusted the motor speed. The Ward Leonard system remained in place all the way until 1960, when the Electronic Regulator Company’s thyristor devices produced solid state controllers that could convert AC power to rectified DC power more directly. It supplanted the Ward Leonard system due to its simplicity and efficiency.
Advent of Brushless DC Motors
Once the Electronic Regulator Company maximized the efficiency of the brush DC motor, the door was opened for an even more efficient motor device. Brushless DC motors first made the scene in 1962, when T.G. Wilson and P.H. Trickey unveiled what they called “a DC machine with solid state commutation.” Remember that the key element of brushless DC motors as opposed to brush DC motors is that the brushless DC motor requires no physical commutator, a revolutionary difference. As the device was refined and developed, it became a popular choice for special applications such as computer disk drives, robotics and in aircraft. In fact, brushless DC motors are used in these devices today, fifty years later, so great is their effectiveness. The reason these motors were such a great choice for these devices is that in these devices brush wear was a big problem, either because of the intense demands of the application or, for example, in the case of aircraft because of low humidity. Because brushless DC motors had no brushes that could wear out, they represented a great leap forward in technology for these types of devices. The problem was that as reliable as they were, these early brushless DC motors were not able to generate a great deal of power.
Modern Brushless DC Motors
That all changed in the 1980s, when permanent magnet materials became readily available. The use of permanent magnets, combined with high voltage transistors, enabled brushless DC motors to generate as much power as the old brush DC motors, if not more. Near the end of the 1980s, Robert E. Lordo of the POWERTEC Industrial Corporation unveiled the first large brushless DC motors, which had at least ten times the power of the earlier brushless DC motors.
Today, there are probably no major motor manufacturers that do not produce brushless DC motors capable of high power jobs. Naturally, NMB Tech offers a wide variety of brushless DC motors for you to choose from, in sizes from 15mm in diameter to 65mm in diameter, from 0.7 maximum Watts output to 329.9. If you’re starting a new project that requires motors for its applications, you’ll want to seriously consider using brushless DC motors. Industries with motor needs have relied on brushless DC motors for nearly fifty years, and there is every reason to believe that they will continue to do so for decades to come. Take a look at some brushless DC motors today.
The brushless DC (BLDC) motor can be envisioned as a brush DC motor turned inside out, where the permanent magnets are on the rotor, and the windings are on the stator. As a result, there are no brushes and commutators in this motor, and all of the disadvantages associated with the sparking of brush DC motors are eliminated. This motor is referred to as a "DC" motor because its coils are driven by a DC power source which is applied to the various stator coils in a predetermined sequential pattern. This process is known as commutation. However, "BLDC" is really a misnomer, since the motor is effectively an AC motor. The current in each coil alternates from positive to negative during each electrical cycle. The stator is typically a salient pole structure which is designed to produce a trapezoidal back-EMF waveshape which matches the applied commutated voltage waveform as closely as possible. However, this is very hard to do in practice, and the resulting back-EMF waveform often looks more sinusoidal than trapezoidal. For this reason, many of the control techniques used with a PMSM motor (such as Field Oriented Control) can equally be applied to a BLDC motor.
Another misconception about the BLDC motor is related to how it is driven. Unlike an open-loop stepper application where the rotor position is determined by which stator coil is driven, in a BLDC motor, which stator coil is driven is determined by the rotor position. The stator flux vector position must be synchronized to the rotor flux vector position (not the other way around) in order to obtain smooth operation of the motor. In order to accomplish this, knowledge of the rotor position is required in order to determine which stator coils to energize. Several techniques exist to do this, but the most popular technique is to monitor the rotor position using hall-effect sensors. Unfortunately, these sensors and their associated connectors and harnesses result in increased system cost, and reduced reliability.
In an effort to mitigate these issues, several techniques have been developed to eliminate these sensors, resulting in sensorless operation. Most of these techniques are based upon extracting position information from the back-EMF waveforms of the stator windings while the motor is spinning. However, techniques based on back-EMF sensing fall apart when the motor is spinning slowly or at a standstill, since the back-EMF waveforms are faint or non-existent. As a result, new techniques are constantly being developed which obtain rotor position information from other signals at low or zero speed.
BLDC motors reign supreme in efficiency ratings, where values in the mid-nineties percent range are routinely obtained. Current research into new amorphous core materials is pushing this number even higher. Ninety six percent efficiency in the 100W range has been reported. They also compete for the title of fastest motor in the world, with speeds on some motors achieving several hundred thousand RPM (400K RPM reported in one application).
The most common BLDC motor topology utilizes a stator structure consisting of three phases. As a result, a standard 6-transistor inverter is the most commonly used power stage, as shown in the diagram. Depending on the operational requirements (sensored vs. sensorless, commutated vs. sinusoidal, PWM vs. SVM, etc.) there are many different ways to drive the transistors to achieve the desired goal, which are too numerous to cover here. This places a significant requirement on the flexibility of the PWM generator, which is typically located in the microcontroller.
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