Thursday 16 April 2015

Smart metering Technology for smart housing

A smart meter is usually an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing.[7] Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Unlike home energy monitors, smart meters can gather data for remote reporting. Such an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) differs from traditional automatic meter reading (AMR) in that it enables two-way communications with the meter. Smart Meters are electronic measurement devices used by utilities to communicate information for billing customers and operating their electric systems. For over fifteen years electronic meters, have been used effectively by utilities in delivering accurate billing data for at least a portion of their customer base. Initially, the use of this technology was applied to commercial and industrial customers due to the need for more sophisticated rates and more granular billing data requirements. The use of electronic meters came into service to the largest customers of the utility and over time gradually expanded to all customer classes. This migration was made possible by decreasing cost of the technology and advanced billing requirements for all customer classes. The combination of the electronic meters with two-way communications technology for information, monitor, and control is commonly referred to as Advanced Metering infrastructure (AMI). Previous systems, which utilized one-way communications to collect meter data were referred to as AMR (Automated Meter Reading) Systems. AMI has developed over time, from its roots as a metering reading substitute (AMR) to today’s two-way communication and data system. Not until the Smart Grid initiatives were established were these meters and systems referred to as ―Smart Meters and Smart Meter Systems‖. Hence, the present state of these technologies should be more appropriately referred to as ―an evolution, not a revolution‖ because of the development and use of Smart Meter technology and communications over the last fifteen years. The combined technologies are also required to meet national standards for accuracy and operability essential in the industry. Utility Customers Better access and data to manage energy use More accurate and timely billing Improved and increased rate options Improved outage restoration Power quality data Customer Service & Field Operations Reduced cost of Metering reading Reduced trips for off-cycle reads Eliminates handheld meter reading equipment Reduced call center transactions Reduced collections and connects/disconnects Revenue Cycle Services - Billing, Accounting, Revenue Protection Reduced back office rebilling Early detection of meter tampering and theft Reduced estimated billing and billing errors Transmission and Distribution Improved transformer load management Improved capacitor bank switching Data for improved efficiency, reliability of service, losses, and loading Improved data for efficient grid system design Power quality data for the service areas Marketing & Load Forecasting Reduced costs for collecting load research data The Role of Utility Metering Operations Metering Services operations in utilities have traditionally been tasked with providing customer billing measurement and have been responsible for accuracy, precision, and robust operations of the meters and support devices. Using a national system of standards, formal quality processes, utility best practices, and a dedicated sense of purpose, utility metering professionals have strived to produce the best system for billing utility customers in the global electric industry. In joint partnership with meter and communications manufacturers, they have driven the development of electronic metering and metering communications to deliver the top notch Smart Metering Systems available in the marketplace today. For successful Smart Meter projects, Metering Services operations are an integral part of the project planning, deployment and maintenance of the systems. Their contributions in these areas of the process are required and fundamental to the project success. The most important contributions include: Development of the Business and Technical requirements of the Systems, Participant of the technology selection team, Certification of the system meters and devices, Acceptance of the incoming production products, Development of safe and appropriate installation plans and processes, Development of a maintenance model to support the new systems, Development of training programs , Design and implementation of an appropriate In-Service Testing & Compliance process With the significant increase of new measurement technologies and integration of communication systems into basic meters, metering operations will be challenged both technically and operationally in the near and long term. The emphasis on metering operations in utilities will increase as more sophisticated billing and measurement systems are developed, designed and deployed. The Smart Grid and Smart Meter Systems Smart Meter Systems are an integral part of the Smart Grid infrastructure in data collection and communications. The Smart Grid is essentially the modernization of the transmission and distribution aspects of the electrical grid. Functionally, it is an automated electric power system that monitors and controls grid activities, ensuring the efficient and reliable two-way flow of electricity and information between power plants and consumers—and all points in between. A Smart Grid monitors electricity delivery and tracks power consumption with smart meters that transmit energy usage information to utilities via communication networks. Smart meters also allow the customers to track their own energy use. Basic Types of Smart Meter Systems There are two basic categories of Smart Meter System technologies as defined by their LAN. They are Radio Frequency (RF) and Power Line Carrier (PLC). Each of these technologies has its own advantages and disadvantages in application. The utility selects the best technology to meet its demographic and business needs. Factors that impact the selection of the technology include evaluation of existing infrastructure; impact on legacy equipment, functionality, technical requirements as well has the economic impact to the utility’s customers. The selection of the technology requires a thorough evaluation and analysis of existing needs and future requirements into a single comprehensive business case. Radio Frequency – RF Smart Meter measurements and other data are transmitted by wireless radio from the meter to a collection point. The data is then delivered by various methods to the utility data systems for processing at a central location. The utility billing, outage management, and other systems use the data for operational purposes. RF technologies are usually two different types: Mesh Technology The smart meters talk to each other (hop) to form a LAN cloud to a collector. The collector transmits the data using various WAN methods to the utility central location. – Mesh RF Technologies’ advantages include acceptable latency, large bandwidth, and typically operate at 9157 MHz frequencies. – Mesh technologies disadvantages include terrain and distance challenges for rural areas, proprietary communications, and multiple collection points. Point to Point Technology The smart meters talk directly to a collector, usually a tower. The tower collector transmits the data using various methods to the utility central location for processing. – Point to Point RF technologies advantages include little or no latency, direct communication with each endpoint, large bandwidth for better throughput, some are licensed spectrum, and can cover longer distances. – The disadvantages of point to point RF networks are licensing (not for 900MHz), terrain may prove challenging in rural areas (Line of Sight), proprietary communications used for some technologies, and less interface with DA devices Power Line Carrier - PLC Smart Meter measurements and other data can be transmitted across the utility power lines from the meter to a collection point, usually in the distribution substation feeding the meter. Some solutions have the collection point located on the secondary side of a distribution transformer. The data is then delivered to the utility data systems for processing at a central location. The utility billing, outage management, and other systems use the data for operational purposes. PLC technology advantages include leveraging the use of existing utility infrastructure of poles & wires, improved cost effectiveness for rural lines, more effective in challenging terrain, and the capability to work over long distances. PLC disadvantages include longer data transmit time (more latency), less bandwidth and throughput, limited interface with Distribution Automation (DA) devices , and higher cost in urban and suburban locations. There are other Smart Meter Systems in use that differ from those described above. However, these are generally a hybrid or combination design, a slight variation of the basic types, or niche products. The major Smart Meter System Technologies in use today are of one of these basic types.

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