Superconductors differ fundamentally in quantum physics behavior from conventional materials in the manner by which electrons, or electric currents, move through the material. It is these differences that give rise to the unique properties and performance benefits that differentiate superconductors from all other known conductors. Unique Properties • Zero resistance to direct current • Extremely high current carrying density • Extremely low resistance at high frequencies • Extremely low signal dispersion • High sensitivity to magnetic field • Exclusion of externally applied magnetic field • Rapid single flux quantum transfer • Close to speed of light signal transmission Zero resistance and high current density have a major impact on electric power transmission and also enable much smaller or more powerful magnets for motors, generators, energy storage, medical equipment and industrial separations. Low resistance at high frequencies and extremely low signal dispersion are key aspects in microwave components, communications technology and several military applications. Low resistance at higher frequencies also reduces substantially the challenges inherent to miniaturization brought about by resistive, or I2 R, heating. The high sensitivity of superconductors to magnetic field provides a unique sensing capability, in many cases 1000x superior to today’s best conventional measurement technology. Magnetic field exclusion is important in multi-layer electronic component miniaturization, provides a mechanism for magnetic levitation and enables magnetic field containment of charged particles. The final two properties form the basis for digital electronics and high speed computing well beyond the theoretical limits projected for semiconductors. All of these materials properties have been extensively demonstrated throughout the world.
In 1911, H. K. Onnes, a Dutch physicist, discovered superconductivity by cooling mercury metal to extremely low temperature and observing that the metal exhibited zero resistance to electric current. Prior to 1973 many other metals and metal alloys were found to be superconductors at temperatures below 23.2K. These became known as Low Temperature Superconductor (LTS) materials. Since the 1960s a Niobium-Titanium (Ni-Ti) alloy has been the material of choice for commercial superconducting magnets. More recently, a brittle Niobium-Tin intermetallic material has emerged as an excellent alternative to achieve even higher magnetic field strength. In 1986, J. G. Bednorz and K. A. Müller discovered 2 Superconductivity: Present and Future Applications © 2009 CCAS : Coalition for the Commercial Application of Superconductors oxide based ceramic materials that demonstrated superconducting properties as high as 35K. This was quickly followed in early 1997 by the announcement by C. W. Chu of a cuprate superconductor functioning above 77K, the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. Since then, extensive research worldwide has uncovered many more oxide based superconductors with potential manufacturability benefits and critical temperatures as high as 135K. A superconducting material with a critical temperature above 23.2K is known as a High Temperature Superconductor (HTS), despite the continuing need for cryogenic refrigeration for any application. Challenges • Cost • Refrigeration • Reliability • Acceptance Forty years of development and commercialization of applications involving LTS materials have demonstrated that a superconductor approach works best when it represents a unique solution to the need. Alternatively, as the cost of the superconductor will always be substantially higher than that of a conventional conductor, it must bring overwhelming cost effectiveness to the system. The advent of HTS has changed the dynamic of refrigeration by permitting smaller and more efficient system cooling for some applications. Design, integration of superconducting and cryogenic technologies, demonstration of systems cost benefits and long term reliability must be met before superconductivity delivers on its current promise of major societal benefits and makes substantial commercial inroads into new applications.
About Superconductivity
Superconductivity is widely regarded as one of the great scientific discoveries of the 20th Century. This miraculous property causes certain materials, at low temperatures, to lose all resistance to the flow of electricity. This state of “losslessness” enables a range of innovative technology applications. At the dawn of the 21st century, superconductivity forms the basis for new commercial products that are transforming our economy and daily life. Current Commercial Applications • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) • High-energy physics accelerators • Plasma fusion reactors • Industrial magnetic separation of kaolin clay The major commercial applications of superconductivity in the medical diagnostic, science and industrial processing fields listed above all involve LTS materials and relatively high field magnets. Indeed, without superconducting technology most of these applications would not be viable. Several smaller applications utilizing LTS materials have also been commercialized, e.g. research magnets and MagnetoEncephalograhy (MEG). The latter is based on Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) technology which detects and measures the weak magnetic fields generated by the brain. The only substantive commercial products incorporating HTS materials are electronic filters used in wireless base stations. About 10,000 units have been installed in wireless networks worldwide to date. More detail on these applications is presented in subsequent sections. Emerging Applications Superconductor-based products are extremely environmentally friendly compared to their conventional counterparts. They generate no greenhouse gases and are cooled by non-flammable liquid nitrogen (nitrogen comprises 80% of our atmosphere) as opposed to conventional oil coolants that are both flammable and toxic. They are also typically at least 50% smaller and lighter than equivalent conventional units which translates into economic incentives. These benefits have given rise to the ongoing development of many new applications in the following sectors: Electric Power. Superconductors enable a variety of applications to aid our aging and heavily burdened electric power infrastructure - for example, in generators, transformers, underground cables, synchronous condensers and fault current limiters. The high power density and electrical efficiency of superconductor wire results in highly compact, powerful devices and systems that are more reliable, efficient, and environmentally benign. Transportation. The rapid and efficient movement of people and goods, by land and by sea, poses important logistical, environmental, land use and other challenges. Superconductors are enabling a new generation of transport technologies including ship propulsion systems, magnetically levitated trains, and railway traction transformers. Medicine. Advances in HTS promise more compact and less costly Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) systems with superior imaging capabilities. In addition, Magneto-Encephalography (MEG), Magnetic Source Imaging (MSI) and MagnetoCardiology (MCG) enable non-invasive diagnosis of brain and heart functionality. Industry. Large motors rated at 1000 HP and above consume 25% of all electricity generated in the United States. They offer a prime target for the use of HTS in substantially reducing electrical losses. Powerful magnets for water remediation, materials purification, and industrial processing are also in the demonstration stages. Communications. Over the past decade, HTS filters have come into widespread use in cellular communications systems. They enhance signal-to-noise ratios, enabling reliable service with fewer, more widely-spaced cell towers. As the world moves from analog to all digital communications, LTS chips offer dramatic performance improvements in many commercial and military applications. Scientific Research. Using superconducting materials, today’s leading-edge scientific research facilities are pushing the frontiers of human knowledge - and pursuing breakthroughs that could lead to new techniques ranging from the clean, abundant energy from nuclear fusion to computing at speeds much faster than the theoretical limit of silicon technology.
Since 10% to 15% of generated electricity is dissipated in resistive losses in transmission lines, the prospect of zero loss superconducting transmission lines is appealing. In prototype superconducting transmission lines at Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1000 MW of power can be transported within an enclosure of diameter 40 cm. This amounts to transporting the entire output of a large power plant on one enclosed transmission line. This could be a fairly low voltage DC transmission compared to large transformer banks and multiple high voltage AC transmission lines on towers in the conventional systems. The superconductor used in these prototype applications is usually niobium-titanium, and liquid helium cooling is required.
Current experiments with power applications of high-temperature superconductors focus on uses of BSCCO in tape forms and YBCOin thin film forms. Current densities above 10,000 amperes per square centimeter are considered necessary for practical power applications, and this threshold has been exceeded in several configurations.
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