Sunday 29 March 2015

Solar chimney based Power Plant

The solar updraft tower (SUT) is a renewable-energy power plant for generating electricity from solar power. Sunshine heats the air beneath a very wide greenhouse-like roofed collector structure surrounding the central base of a very tall chimney tower. The resulting convection causes a hot air updraft in the tower by the chimney effect. This airflow drives wind turbines placed in the chimney updraft or around the chimney base to produce electricity. Plans for scaled-up versions of demonstration models will allow significant power generation, and may allow development of other applications, such as water extraction or distillation, and agriculture or horticulture. As a solar chimney power plant (SCPP) proposal for electrical power generation, commercial investment is discouraged by the high initial cost of building a very large novel structure, and by the risk of investment in a feasible but unproven application of even proven component technology for long-term returns on investment—especially when compared to the proven and demonstrated greater short-term returns on lesser investment in coal-fired or nuclear power plants Power output depends primarily on two factors: collector area and chimney height. A larger area collects and warms a greater volume of air to flow up the chimney; collector areas as large as 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) in diameter have been discussed. A larger chimney height increases the pressure difference via the stack effect; chimneys as tall as 1,000 metres (3,281 ft) have been discussed. Heat can be stored inside the collector area. The ground beneath the solar collector, water in bags or tubes, or a saltwater thermal sink in the collector could add thermal capacity and inertia to the collector. Humidity of the updraft and condensation in the chimney could increase the energy flux of the system. Turbines with a horizontal axis can be installed in a ring around the base of the tower, as once planned for an Australian project and seen in the diagram above; or—as in the prototype in Spain—a single vertical axis turbine can be installed inside the chimney. Carbon dioxide is emitted only negligibly as part of operations. Manufacturing and construction require substantial power, particularly to produce cement. Net energy payback is estimated to be 2–3 years. Since solar collectors occupy significant amounts of land, deserts and other low-value sites are most likely. A small-scale solar updraft tower may be an attractive option for remote regions in developing countries. The relatively low-tech approach could allow local resources and labour to be used for construction and maintenance. Locating a tower at high latitudes could produce up to 85 per cent of the output of a similar plant located closer to the equator, if the collection area is sloped significantly toward the equator. The sloped collector field, which also functions as a chimney, is built on suitable mountainsides, with a short vertical chimney on the mountaintop to accommodate the vertical axis air turbine. The results showed that solar chimney power plants at high latitudes may have satisfactory thermal performance. Solar updraft towers can be combined with other technologies to increase output. Solar thermal collectors or photovoltaics can be arranged inside the collector greenhouse. This could further be combined with agriculture The solar updraft tower has a power conversion rate considerably lower than many other designs in the (high temperature) solar thermal group of collectors. The low conversion rate is balanced to some extent by the lower cost per square metre of solar collection. Model calculations estimate that a 100 MW plant would require a 1,000 m tower and a greenhouse of 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi). A 200 MW tower with the same tower would require a collector 7 kilometres in diameter (total area of about 38 km²). One 200MW power station will provide enough electricity for around 200,000 typical households and will abate over 900,000 tons of greenhouse producing gases from entering the environment annually. The collector area is expected to extract about 0.5 percent, or 5 W/m² of 1 kW/m², of the solar energy that falls upon it. Concentrating thermal (CSP) or photovoltaic (CPV) solar power plants range between 20% to 31.25% efficiency (dish Stirling). Overall CSP/CPV efficiency is reduced because collectors do not cover the entire footprint. Without further tests, the accuracy of these calculations is uncertain. Most of the projections of efficiency, costs and yields are calculated theoretically, rather than empirically derived from demonstrations, and are seen in comparison with other collector or solar heat transducing technologies. The performance of an updraft tower may be degraded by factors such as atmospheric winds, by drag induced by the bracings used for supporting the chimney, and by reflection off the top of the greenhouse canopy. At present, a number of energy sources are utilized on a large scale such as: coil, oil, gas and nuclear. Continuation of the use of fossil fuels is set to face multiple challenges namely: depletion of fossil fuels reserves, global warming and other environmental concerns and continuing fuel price rise. For these reasons, the existing sources of conventional energy may not be adequate to meet the ever increasing energy demands. Consequently sincere and untiring efforts shall have to be made by the scientists and engineers in exploring the possibilities of harnessing energy from several non-conventional energy sources (solar, biomass, tidal, hydrogen, wind and geothermal energy) which they are seen as possible solution to the growing energy challenges. According to energy experts, unconventional energy sources can be used for electric power generation which receives a great attention. Power generating technology based on green resources would help many countries improve their balance of payments. Being the most abundant and well distributed form of renewable energy, solar energy constitutes a big asset for arid and semi-arid regions. A range of solar technologies are used throughout the world to harvest the sun‘s energy. In the last years, an exciting innovation has been introduced by researchers called ―solar chimney‖. It is a solar thermal driven electrical power generation plant which converts the solar thermal energy into electrical power in a complex heat transfer process. The implementation of this project is of great significance for the development of new energy resources and the commercialization of power generating systems of this type and will help developing countries to promote the rapid development of the solar hot air-flows power generation. The basic physical principles of centralized electricity generation with solar chimney power plants (SCPP‘s) were described by Haaf et al. in 1982. After the pilot plant in Manzanares had gone into operation in June 1982, the first experimental results confirmed the main assumptions of the original physical model. Later, on the basis of experimental data from July 1983 to January 1984, a semi-empirical, parametrical model was proposed for predicting the monthly mean electrical power output of the pilot plant as a function of solar irradiation. The model predictions agreed reasonably with the experimental data for the exceptionally dry months July- October 1983, but the model failed to simulate the wet months following heavy rainfall in winter and spring 1984. It was realized, that natural precipitation entering the collector has a fundamental influence on the collector performance via evaporation, plant growth and infrared absorption in the collector air. A refined parametrical model was therefore proposed, which includes at least the long term, seasonally varying effect on rainwater on the plants performance and allows the simulation of large plants in climates similar to the climate in Manzanares. Solar chimney power plants are an interesting alternative to centralized electricity generation power plants. It is an ideally adapted technology for countries that lack a sophisticated technical infrastructure, where simplicity and uncritical operation of the installation is of crucial importance. A detailed literature survey of this system was performed. The review discusses the principles and characteristics of such a system, its requirements, its construction and its operation. It gives also a brief overview of the present state of research at the solar chimney power plant and future prospects for large-scale plants.

1 comment:

  1. Guy gets almost killed for revealing how to generate electricity from Earth's Magnetic Core
    Ladies and gentlemen you won’t believe what just happened:

    This crazy guy has discovered how to transform Earth's Magnetic Core Energy into electricity.

    The beauty is that he figured out a clever way (yet dump simple) on how to power your home for 21 hours without interruption.

    >> Here's The Video Proof <<

    Rumor has it that the inventor was about to get killed for this secret as some bad guys wanted to steal his invention and get rich quickly.

    Fortunately, he managed to escape and he's now finally able to reveal his story in the video below:

    >> Click Here <<

    From what I heard this video can be taken down by the end of the day... so I advice you to watch it right now while you still can.
